Leadership Coaching

Coaching is an essential tool for growing companies to help their people rapidly develop new leadership behaviours and awareness. It can ease the difficult shift from doing to leading when people first step into leadership roles. And give senior leaders a valuable perspective on themselves that they can’t get from their team. 

Leadership coaching focuses on areas such as gravitas and influence, productivity and time management, managing others and raising self awareness to improve decision making, confidence and happiness. 

We work directly with senior leaders or via HR teams.

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Coaching services

Senior Leadership Coaching

These packages are for c-suite and senior level managers to support their leadership and strategic development and include:

  • Feedback design and delivery

  • 1 x coaching goals session

  • 6 x 1.5hr coaching sessions

  • Self reflection exercises to develop leadership skills and self awareness

  • Virtual sessions to suit remote and globally distributed teams

talent coaching

Our high performance coaching packages are designed to help high potential employees level up as leaders:

  • 1 x coaching goals session

  • Goal setting and review sessions with HR or line manager

  • 6 x 1.5hr coaching sessions every 4-6 weeks

  • Virtual sessions for remote workers


Coaching blocks are full day block bookings of coaching time onsite at your offices. Opening up coaching support to a wider audience:

  • 4 x 1hr coaching sessions in one day

  • On site at your offices or via video sessions

  • You control who can access slots and how they are used

I really appreciate Liz’s approach to coaching. She is direct and straight forward and never shies away from saying what she thinks, whilst always magically reflecting back to you what you’ve actually said. I would highly recommend Liz as a coach.”
— Customer Experience Director, Tech company
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Coaching FAQs

What is coaching?

Coaching is a process which unlocks a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. As a coach, I’m focused on helping you discover your own potential by asking the right questions, helping you see what you can’t see, challenging your thinking, setting goals and holding you accountable to the actions you need to take.

What are the benefits of coaching?

A coaching relationship is an investment in your personal development. It brings about improvement in your performance, helps you to understand yourself, your goals and how to reach them.

By increasing your self awareness you'll become more able to identify your own solutions to problems and become less frustrated and ‘triggered’ in the moment.

You'll take greater ownership and responsibility for where you are heading. Get fresh perspectives on your personal challenges and improve your relationships at work and at home. Overall, you’ll feel more confident and more in control.

What happens in a coaching session?

It depends on your goals for coaching. We'll spend time discussing what’s changed and your progress since the last session. We'll go for a deeper dive on a particular goal or area you want to work on, the current reality, what’s holding you back, what your options are and what actions you want to take. You may be set homework - things to observe and notice to raise your awareness between sessions, further reading or structured tasks which will help reach your goals.

The sessions act as a catalyst for self awareness and new ways of thinking. The real transformation happens in the space in between sessions when you put into practice the new behaviours and actions and see the impact they have on your work and life.

What’s the difference between coaching and mentoring?

Coaching and mentoring are similar in that they are a relationship between two people - one who is looking to learn and the other who is supporting the learning process.

The main difference is that a mentor is usually a subject matter expert in the eyes of the mentee. They are experienced with a track record and are able to accelerate learning by offering insights based on their own experiences.

Coaches work on the basis that the individual always has the answer to their own problems. They might occasionally need help to find the answer and may propose some suggestions, but this is not the central basis of the relationship.

If you want mentoring as part of the coaching relationship then we’ll discuss this upfront as part of the coaching agreement.

Who needs coaching?

Who doesn’t? Everyone can benefit from coaching at any stage of their life or career.

I work with leaders at all levels and in particular founders of creative businesses who recognise a need to change their leadership style as they scale their business.

There’s usually a trigger moment where people decide they need help from a coach. It could be a stepping up to a new role, growth of the business, a loss of confidence or a need for a renewed sense of career direction. 

What’s important is that the person getting coached values and respects the process. They have enough self awareness to know that something they are doing is holding them back and they need and want to change. 

What should you look for when choosing a coach?

Choosing a coach is all about finding someone you connect with personally and trust. For coaching to work, you need to have good chemistry. 

The coach's listening and questioning skills should make you feel that you’re having one of the best conversations about you that you’ve ever had. They should be able to summarise and help you see your problem more clearly. They should be strong enough to challenge you and hold you accountable to what you say you will do. 

If you’re interested in coaching, get in touch for a free no-obligation call or meeting
to see if we’re a good match for each other.